Many people who have lost all their natural teeth will struggle to wear dentures. Over time dentures can become less well-fitting and unstable, creating problems with eating and speaking. This is due to the loss of bone in the jaw that occurs after tooth loss, and which has the effect of flattening the bony ridge that used to support teeth. This bony ridge is also used to help retain dentures. Loose dentures are more of a problem for lower dentures as upper dentures are constructed to cover the roof of the mouth, providing additional suction. Mini dental implants provide an excellent and affordable solution for stabilising loose dentures.
What Are Mini Dental Implants and How Are They Used to Stabilise Dentures?
Mini dental implants are shorter and narrower than conventional dental implants but are still made of the same high-grade titanium alloy. The head of the implant is shaped like a ball, fitting into a socket like attachment in the base of your denture. You’ll find your denture snaps into position and is held firmly in place. Just four mini dental implants are typically used to stabilise a denture, although this can vary,
What Is the Procedure for Mini Dental Implants?
The actual procedure is very similar to conventional dental implants. You will need a full consultation with one of our dentists at Blue House Dental to assess your suitability for this procedure. We will want to know a little bit about your medical history, including any medications or diseases that may affect treatment. We also carry out diagnostic tests that include dental x-rays and a CT scan. This shows us exactly how much bone is available for the mini dental implants, and enables us to plan surgery. One of the advantages of having mini dental implants is that less bone is required to hold the implant in position. The procedure to insert the implants is very straightforward as they are simply screwed in position and there is no need to open up the gums, and no need for stitches. Mini dental implants can often be immediately ‘loaded’ which means dentures can be stabilised the same day as surgery.
To make an appointment for Mini Dental Implants, give us a call on
45 Grace Avenue Frenchs Forest NSW 2086 (02) 9451 0800