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Ozonated Water Disinfection System

CDU Point-Of-Use (POU) ozonated water disinfection system

  • Improve hygiene and care
  • Reduce the risk of infections
  • Effective against Legionella pneumophila, Pseudomonas spp. and E coli
  • Safe to use
  • Does not interfere with dental material strengths

All-around protection

Greater sanitation assurance

  • Hand wash
  • Instrument pre-wash

Oral Applications

  • Mouth rinse
  • Treatment area irrigation

Bacteria-free Water Source

  • Scaling and prophy scaler fluid bottle fill
  • Ultrasonic scaler irrigant

Surface Disinfection

  • Dental chairs and equipment
  • Countertops, cabinets, and handles
  • Office surfaces

At Biowell we are committed to developing ozonated water disinfection products to improve quality of care and hygiene. We strive for excellence and quality in our products and service, to bring you the benefits of ozone in a safe, easy to use system effective across multiple applications.

Ozone’s Bacterial Disinfection Mechanism

Structure of a bacteria cell and disinfection procedure:

  1. Ozone oxidizes bacteria cell wall and membrane, allowing water and additional ozone to enter the cell.
  2. The sudden flood of ozone (O3) and hydroxyl (OH) dissolved in water (H2O) causes cell lysis, and as it bursts, the genetic material and enzymes are released into the ozonated water.
  3. In the ozonated water, the unleashed cell components are attacked by the ozone so that it cannot recover and no resistance is built up.
  4. After contact with the various cell components, ozone (O3) reverts back to its stable oxygen (O2) state. Therefore, there are no residues and no final rinse required.


Ozone is the world’s most powerful naturally occuring oxidizing agent. It is composed of three oxygen atoms and is highly unstable. Ozone’s instability is what makes it such a powerful oxidant, since it seeks to quickly shed its excess oxygen atom and revert to atmospheric oxygen (O2). The excess oxygen atom is typically used to oxidize an organic substance. Ozone also exhibits a short shelf life and quickly reverts back to atmospheric oxygen even when it is isolated and contained within a non-oxidizable tank. It is for this reason that the ozone must be generated on-site a short period before usage.

Proudly Powered By EOG

Our petented Indirect Electrolytic Ozone Generation (EOG) uses water to generate ozone. With a sophisticated power control, water is electrolyzed, forming H2, O2 and O3. H2 passes the cathode on the generator and is directed to the drain. Hence the gases collected through the electrolysis reaction include only O2 and O3 (O3 = 28 wt%), without any associated hazardous substance. This technology produces the highest purity and concentration of ozone on demand.

PBiowell’s EOG Benefits

  • NOx Free*1
  • Highest purity available
  • Only tap water and electricity are required
  • No air dryer or oxygen concentrator
  • Full time performance monitoring
  • Safe to operate
  • Low power consumption
  • Not affected by air quality and humidity
  • Patented ATS (Anytime System) for immediate dissolved ozone.